Jack is my friend. He like piaying computer games very muck . He often sits in the same way for too long without moving .Now he has a headache and a soreback .He does not sleep well at night ,so he feels tired.
I think he shouldlie down and rest .He should not use the computer for a long time .He should go to bed early at night
I think if he has a good rest ,he will feel well soon .
[本文来源:由《星空写作网》整理首发 - http://www.xkxzw.com/webHtml/20160514144924.html ]
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晓风凝 | 【1】楼 (2016-10-17 11:26:38): |
league of leagand is 666。 |
淡淡眉 | 【2】楼 (2016-11-30 11:41:24): |
oh my god! |
鲁老春 | 【3】楼 (2020-03-11 10:12:18): |
it has alot of mistakes |
窗前梧桐 | 【4】楼 (2020-04-03 15:44:00): |
You will write better and better ! COme on ! |
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